Making innovation possible


Autonomous robot that: maps premises


Electronic and mechanical design for your projects.


Optimize your costs with smart sensors.


Sensors to optimize resources and improve your comfort.


Mass production to scale your business.

Experts in transforming business needs into innovative technological solutions from initial concept to mass production


We offer different services to adapt to your needs, from our Engineering Smart Sessions to solve technical aspects, training for your team, to idea validation, prototyping and production of your products.

Smart Session

Book a video conference from 1h and unblock your project.


Specialized training for your team.

Electronic Design

Custom hardware for your specific needs.

Firmware Development

Embedded software that brings your devices to life.

Mechanical Design

Perfect integration of mechanics and electronics.


From prototypes to mass production.


Expert advice for your technology project.



Embedded system or robot that your company needs, adapted to your specific processes.


IoT systems that connect and optimize your infrastructure.


Monitoring and control solutions that reduce operating costs.


Design and mass production to grow with your business.

Recent Projects

We manufacture products from all industries, specializing in IoT, Industry IoT, automotive and medical sectors. Our specialty is solving problems.

From initial conception, prototyping, to mass production.

Fuente de alimentación lineal

Precision Power Supply

Ultra-low noise linear power supply, current measurement in the range of ±1mA 30V2A x2ch.

View project

Sensor de corriente

Energy Monitoring System

Current measurement up to 100A per channel, compatible with home automation systems.

View project

Bicis de alquiler

Bike Rental

Smart lock for bike rentals, with GPS, GSM, and LoRa. Backend Azure IoT.

View project

Medical SmartWatch

Medical SmartWatch

Smartwatch that detects vital signs of the patient to prevent health problems.

View project

Seguidor GPS ganado

Cow Tracker

Device that allows geolocalizing cows. Connectivity LoRa. More than 10km of coverage.

View project

Robot autónomo

Autonomous Mapping Robot

Robot with LIDAR and 3D camera for surface mapping and tag detection.

View project

Cerradura inteligente

Access Control System

Universal electronic lock with remote management.

View project

Seguidor GPS flotas

Vehicle Tracker

Device that allows geolocalizing vehicles and detecting sudden decelerations.

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Hangar automatizado

Autonomous Hangar

Hangar for autonomous drones. Automatic loading, incident detection.

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Detector de caídas

Fall Detection

Dispositivo que detecta la posición y el estado de trabajadores en altura.

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Engineering Smart Session

Sometimes a complete project is not necessary, just a second opinion, solving those aspects that block the project, whether they are about production, efficiency, product cost reduction, or how to solve some technical aspect... Request a video conference from 1h and unblock your project.


We work with the best to offer you the best services.

At TTS Engineering we develop all the product engineering and carry out prototyping. When the product is ready, we manage mass manufacturing with our partners.

Fabricación electrónica

Electronic Manufacturing

Kingron PCB

PCB production and electronic assembly with the highest quality standards.

Fabricación mecánica

Mechanical Manufacturing

Kingron PCB

Precision machining and custom parts manufacturing.




Global distribution.




Scalable cloud solutions for IoT and data processing.



Do you know any company that might need our services? Refer us and we will try to reach an intermediation agreement.

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Precision Power Supply

Fuente de alimentación lineal

Ultra-low noise linear power supply, current measurement in the range of ±1mA 30V2A x2ch.

The Challenge

Developing a precision power supply for research laboratories that required extremely precise and low noise regulation for sensitive applications.

The Solution

We designed a linear power supply with unique features:

  • High-precision voltage regulation (±0.1%)
  • Ultra-precise current measurement (±1mA)
  • Two independent channels of 30V/2A
  • Digital interface for remote control
  • Advanced protections against short circuits and overvoltages

Energy Monitoring System

Sensor de corriente

Current measurement up to 100A per channel, compatible with home automation systems.

The Challenge

Creating a scalable and accurate energy monitoring system for industrial and domestic installations that would allow integration with existing automation systems.

The Solution

We developed a modular system with the following features:

  • Precise measurement up to 100A per channel
  • Integrated WiFi and Modbus communication
  • Compatible with major home automation systems
  • Non-invasive installation
  • Real-time analysis of consumption

Autonomous Mapping Robot

Robot autónomo

Robot with LIDAR and 3D camera for surface mapping and tag detection.

The Challenge

Developing an autonomous robot that would be able to map indoor spaces and detect specific objects for logistics and inventory applications.

The Solution

We developed an intelligent autonomous robot equipped with:

  • LIDAR system for precise mapping
  • 3D camera for object detection
  • Autonomous navigation algorithms
  • RFID tag detection system
  • Web interface for control and monitoring

Access Control System

Cerradura inteligente

Universal electronic lock with remote management.

The Challenge

Designing an access control system that could adapt to existing locks and provide remote secure management for businesses and individuals.

The Solution

We implemented a complete system that includes:

  • Universal adaptable mechanism
  • WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity
  • User and permission management
  • Real-time access registration
  • Mechanical backup for security

Bike Rental

Bicis de alquiler

Smart lock for bike rentals, with GPS, GSM, and LoRa. Backend Azure IoT.

The Challenge

Developing a smart lock system for bike rentals that would allow for real-time management and location tracking.

The Solution

We implemented a complete system that includes:

  • Smart lock with multiple communication technologies
  • Real-time GPS location tracking
  • GSM and LoRa connectivity for maximum coverage
  • Backend in Azure IoT for fleet management
  • Mobile app for users and managers

Medical SmartWatch

Medical SmartWatch

Smartwatch that detects vital signs of the patient to prevent health problems.

The Challenge

Developing a wearable medical device that would continuously monitor vital signs and alert in case of anomalies.

The Solution

We developed a medical smartwatch with:

  • Advanced biometric sensors
  • Continuous vital sign monitoring
  • Bluetooth connectivity for synchronization
  • Real-time alerts
  • Medical interface for patient monitoring

Cow Tracker

Seguidor GPS ganado

Device that allows geolocalizing cows. Connectivity LoRa. More than 10km of coverage.

The Challenge

Developing a tracking system for cows that would work in rural areas with limited coverage.

The Solution

We created a robust device that includes:

  • High-precision GPS
  • LoRa long-range connectivity
  • Long-lasting battery
  • Superior coverage of more than 10km
  • Perimeter alarm system

Vehicle Tracker

Seguidor GPS flotas

Device that allows geolocalizing vehicles and detecting sudden decelerations.

The Challenge

Developing a tracking system for vehicles that would monitor both location and transport conditions.

The Solution

We implemented an integrated system that includes:

  • Real-time GPS tracking
  • Acceleration and temperature sensors
  • Chain control for cold
  • Event detection
  • Dashboard for fleet management

Autonomous Hangar

Hangar automatizado

Hangar for autonomous drones. Automatic loading, incident detection.

The Challenge

Diseñar un sistema automatizado para el mantenimiento y carga de drones sin intervención humana.

The Solution

Desarrollamos un hangar inteligente que incluye:

  • Sistema de aterrizaje de precisión
  • Carga automática de baterías
  • Diagnóstico automático de drones
  • Protección contra condiciones climáticas
  • Monitorización remota 24/7

Fall Detection

Detector de caídas

Dispositivo que detecta la posición y el estado de trabajadores en altura.

The Challenge

Crear un sistema de seguridad para trabajadores en altura que permitiera una respuesta rápida ante accidentes.

The Solution

Implementamos un dispositivo wearable que incluye:

  • Sensores de movimiento y posición
  • Detección automática de caídas
  • Sistema de alerta inmediata
  • Localización precisa del trabajador
  • Monitorización de signos vitales

Lector de Matrículas

Lector de matrículas

Sistema de reconocimiento automático de matrículas para control de acceso y gestión de parkings.

The Challenge

Desarrollo de un sistema de reconocimiento de matrículas preciso y rápido para la gestión automatizada de parkings y control de acceso vehicular.

The Solution

Diseñamos un sistema de reconocimiento de matrículas con las siguientes características:

  • Reconocimiento en tiempo real de matrículas
  • Alta precisión incluso en condiciones adversas
  • Integración con sistemas de control de acceso
  • Registro histórico de entradas y salidas
  • Gestión de listas blancas y negras

Home Automation

Sistema domótico

Sistema de domótica para control inteligente del hogar, incluyendo iluminación, climatización y seguridad.

The Challenge

Desarrollo de un sistema de domótica que permitiera el control centralizado y remoto de diversos dispositivos del hogar, con énfasis en la facilidad de uso y la eficiencia energética.

The Solution

Implementamos un sistema de control domótico con las siguientes características:

  • Control centralizado de iluminación, climatización y seguridad
  • Interfaz de usuario intuitiva a través de app móvil
  • Programación de escenas y automatizaciones
  • Monitorización del consumo energético
  • Integración con asistentes de voz